About Us

Welcome to AboutFilmboards.Com, a repository of thoughtful, sometimes amusing, always enlightening movie reviews and analyses, both new releases and older films. But that’s not all! We’ve got special Features! We’ve got a Year in Film section with lists and ratings of each year’s releases, which we update year-round!views of new films as they come out, as well as expanding our archive of older movies.

Finally, we invite you to visit our Message Boards. Come chat about movies with like-minded souls. Learn stuff! Incite stuffy intellectuals to see fluffy cheerleader comedies! Exhort fluffy cheerleaders to see stuffy intellectual dramas! And most importantly, have fun!

Come talk about movies with like-minded souls. Have fun! Learn stuff! Incite stuffy intellectuals to see fluffy cheerleader comedies! Exhort fluffy cheerleaders to see stuffy intellectual dramas!

A repository of thoughtful, sometimes amusing, always enlightening movie reviews and analysis, both new releases and older films. Also includes special articles and year in review features, and more!